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About the Practitioner

Frank Tatulinski, Owner BFFitness LLC

Personal Trainer, Ethical Massage Practioner (E.M.P.)


I'm Frank and I attended the Cleveland School of Massage (now known as Advanced Bodywork & Massage
Institute). Under the directorship of Jeff Kates, I became a certified Swedish Massage Practitioner and learned
techniques in Reflexology and Polarity, as well.

I became interested in learning proper massage techniques as a way of relieving muscle soreness and stress relief for my wife who was diagnosed with Lupus, and to assist my Personal Training and Zumba Fitness Clients relax after their training. Performing General massage strokes helps to reduce overall muscle tension and pain and helps to relax and feel less tension and anxiety.

It is my desire to provide massage services in hopes of bringing comfort, relief, and relaxation to others.

In Addition, and am ALSO a Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer

A personal trainer is a fitness professional involved in exercise instruction. They motivate clients by setting
goals and providing feedback and accountability to clients. Trainers also measure their client's strengths and weaknesses with fitness assessments.

These fitness assessments may also be performed before and after an exercise program to measure their client's
improvements in physical fitness. They may also educate their clients in many other aspects of wellness besides exercise, including general health and nutrition guidelines.

Qualified personal trainers recognize their own areas of expertise. If a trainer suspects that one of his or her
clients has a medical condition that could prevent the client from safe participation in an exercise program, they must refer the client to the proper health professional for prior clearance.